Monday, 31 March 2008

Welcome back Muzzy!

Dua Puluh Tahun. 20 tahun watak -watak di atas menghantui diri, memenatkan otak cuba mengingatinya dan meletihkan jari cuba melukisnya. Akhirnya pencarian 20 tahun berakhir di Tesco Extra, Cheras minggu lepas apabila terlihat watak yang telah lama di cari, menari-nari di dalam peti televisyen. Itulah dia, Muzzy. Muzzy dan rakan-rakannya merupakan di antara "tenaga pengajar" yang terawal dalam hidup ku. Mengenali mereka pada umur 6 tahun di Tadika Sempurna. Tak jemu mereka bercerita, menari dan mengajar ku pada masa itu. Setiap kali aku pulang ke rumah, muka wajah Corvax yang akan ku lukis. Hmm..indahnya zaman kanak-kanak dahulu..

Welcome back Muzzy! It is great to have you and your friends back!


Last Saturday was VI's 105th Sports Day. Another trip to memory lane. ex-Treacher House Captain kenalah balik tengok!! Treaceher is not doing well for the past few years.. last year they came in LAST!! but this year ok! per last Saturday (postponed sebab hujan) they were in 2nd place..behind Thamboosamy (Thamboo first ni!!?? gila laa..) All the best kiddos! Anyway nah ni Treacher punya report from the Victorian volume 43 untuk membakar semangat anda! hehe

Congratulations to my Industrial Design buddy/ Stylist for Perodua, Mohd Falmi Osman aka Aboi yang telah selamat memperisterikan his long sweetheart, Yana. Semoga berbahagia ke akhir hayat. Dan ingin memesan lagi sekali, jangan "gigit" kuat sangat. Hahaha.. Congrats Beb!

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Goodbye Sam

Looong break last week..even my Internet activities was on halt.I had 5 straight days with my wife, family, and some! That trip was insane! I think i can also call it "my GOLF WEEK". Sanggup bawak and tidur with 5 clubs dalam train, Thursday 9 holes at KGPA (rain check), Friday night went to the driving range in Cheras with Abot and Saturday 9 holes at Awana (also another 'rain check'). Macam "ia ia" je..Of the two 9s, my game at Awana was the worst, nearly putus asa with Golf and was ready to concentrate back in my "teng teng" and "galah panjang" championship. Tapi macam biasa, towards the end, 'hantu dia mai', I'd managed to pull in few good swings, kembalila bersemangat. Berjaya! Baik!

Politics, politics politics...Recently, have you read the newspapers? Although it has been more than 2 weeks after the 'Election Tsunami', the first 30 pages is still talking about politics!!cukuplaaaaaa...morning break also politics, lunch and tea break pun ada jugak selit-selit...cukupla...anyway the Goodbye Sam by comedycourt ni best! check out the youtube!

Haa! just to share this with you guys. Do you know that there is a surau in our KTMB train? If you are planning on taking a train trip, and planning to bersolat on the train, remember to bring the Kaabah compass. InsyaAllah by directing other people towards the kiblat pun, kita boleh dapat pahala.

And guys, see you in VI this Saturday!! Sports Day wei!!Jom balik Sekolah!!

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

To lead a better life, I need my love to be here

(full song-26/3/2008)

To lead a better life I need my love to be here...

Here, making each day of the year
Changing my life with a wave of her hand
Nobody can deny that there's something there

There, running my hands through her hair
Both of us thinking how good it can be
Someone is speaking but she doesn't know he's there

I want her everywhere and if she's beside me
I know I need never care
But to love her is to need her everywhere
Knowing that love is to share

Each one believing that love never dies
Watching her eyes and hoping I'm always there

I want her everywhere and if she's beside me
I know I need never care
But to love her is to need her everywhere
Knowing that love is to share

Each one believing that love never dies
Watching her eyes and hoping I'm always there

To be there and everywhere
Here, there and everywhere

See you tomorrow morning yang!

Monday, 17 March 2008

“If we do not hear, see, or speak evil, we ourselves shall be spared all evil."

Alhamdulillah setakat ni saya hanya terlepas 3-4 puasa Isnin/Khamis sejak Awal Muharram haritu, dan dapatlah saya membuat serba sedikit analisa kasar mengenai puasa sunat ini.
Puasa bukan sekadar menahan lapar dari Subuh ke Maghrib sahaja. Semasa berpuasa, kita kena amalkan "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" juga. Ok, sebelum itu, apakah kebaikan berpuasa sunat ni? Kalau nak jawapan sebenar bolehlah rujuk buku PMR atau buku-buku agama. Tetapi pada pendapat saya, kebaikan untuk saya adalah :

1. saya dapat reboot system badan
2. mengurangkan kadar asap monoksida dalam badan
3. mengurangkan lemak pada badan
4. mengawal nafsu – nafsuan
5. kesedaran mengenai aktiviti dan amalan buruk yang selalu dilakukan (contohnya; tergossip dan tercarut..dll. that is ’ter’ bukan sengaja..hehe)
6. Kurang belanja!
7. Dan tidak dilupakan meningkatkan tahap keimanan kita. Bila tengah puasa ni bolehlah practise sembahyang on time.

Dalam environment sekarang…oklah tak adil kalau saya pukul rata, dalam environment “saya”, saya terpaksa berhempas pulas untuk mengamalkan sistem 3 monyet tu (see,hear, and speak no evil). Kenapa? Saya mendapati, terlampau banyak perkara2 evil yang dilakukan setiap hari!!

See no Evil
Haa ni dalam environment saya agak mudah sebab majority geng di sini adalah lelaki (dalam 40+ R&D members, 1 je pompuan) tetapi bila kaum hawa lain tiba2 muncul kat ofis, semua jadi macam jakun..siap gossip2 lagi! so siapa yang rasa diri dia kurang lawa, datanglah ke ofis saya..sure dialah yang paling lawa sekali!! Email juga amat sukar dibendung. Kadang kala tajuk lain, isi lain, nama fail lain, gambar pun bila ’ter’tengok, tutup cepat2!

Hear no Evil
Setiap minit dan saat mesti terdengar umpatan orang. Dia ni mengata dia ni, dia ni kutuk mamat ni..paling famous adalah kutukan dan alkisah keburukan bos. Meeting pagi, mesti terdengar kutuk-kutukan. Tengah buat kerja, dengar kutuk lagi, rehat pun sama. Persoalan di sini, bolehkah kita tak dengar orang mengata dan mengumpat dalam satu hari penuh?

Speak no Evil
Bila dah dengar, kita cakaplah pulak! Tu yang susah tu! Kena pulak topik yang hangat, kita pun nak hangat jugaklah! Pot pet pot pet sembang kosong, kutuk orang..lagi-lagi sekarang ni pasal politik pulak! Member banyak yang aktif bercerita politik. Cerita pasal pemimpin ni tak dapat jadi MB la, kenapa dia tak naik la, kenapa sejak selesai pilihanraya tak muncul2 di media lah..keras kepala tak faham-faham orang dah tak mahu dia la.. ntah betul ke tidak semua tu...bila lenyap isu politik, kembali kepada mengutuk bos pulak..susah-susah..
Seperti kata tadi, ni adalah enironment saya.. environment anda mungkin tak se-evil ni.

Semoga iman ku kukuh untuk menangkis segala sumber-sumber kejahatan!! Anyway 2 hari je dalam seminggu..hehe mintak simpanglah seboleh-bolehnya…heheh

Saturday, 15 March 2008

Viva Youtubies!!

Cool videos that have been in my head all week. Enjoy!

(Recommendation: For maximum viewing pleasure, pause the video and let it stream first..hehe)

Fresh Prince's Jump On It.
Yang! I've been practicing this move every night!! Be prepared!! Kita duet ok?

Evolution of Dance by judsonlaipply
Love the MC Hammer part..

Frozen Grand Central
This was fowarded by Nina. Memang cool bah..Check out The Great Trafalgar Square Freeze also

Indian thriller with lyrics *thnx bufflax
The subtitle lagi buat dia hampeh! I wonder how long did he practiced for the clip? Mesti semangat gila punyaaaaa..

Cis!! malam ni Incognito at sunburst!!tension jugak berada di Gurun ni..anyway this is a tribute!!! (checkout the bass line y'all!)

Incognito - Still a friend of mine

Thanks Youtube!!

Mengapa menukar tempat kerja? 4 Tips untuk Boss dan Pihak HR (My point of view)


1. Gaji

Gaji yang kecil merupakan antara sebab-sebab utama untuk menukar pekerjaan. Lebih menguatkan lagi apabila pekerja mula berhutang (bank loan, credit card etc) dan mendapati gaji rakan-rakan seperjuangan universiti/sekolah jauh lebih tinggi daripada apa yang kita dapat sekarang. Percentage increment yang kecil atau tidak diberi langsung dan jumlah pemberian/tidak menerima bonus juga memainkan peranan besar dalam membuat keputusan tersebut.

Jalan Penyelesaiain:
a. Increment adalah penting kerana ia melibatkan EPF/KWSP.

b. Bonus adalah ’Bonus’. Ia dalam golongan Nice to have. Increment adalah lagi penting.

c. Pihak boss dan HR perlulah mengikut perkembangan semasa. Kalau dulu nasi lemak boleh kenyang dengan 50 sen, la ni dah RM 2 (dua bungkus). Oleh itu, reviselah gaji pekerja-pekerja anda.

2. Tidak dihargai

Ramai pekerja yang jujur bekerja kerana minat dan tanggungjawab. Golongan ini tidak kisah untuk membuat kerja sampai ke malam, bekerja pada hari cuti walaupun tiada OT dan sentiasa memastikan hasil kerja itu tip top dan kadang kala higher dan expectation. Namun apabila golongan ’berkorban apa sahaja’ ini tidak dihargai, bukan nak sangat puji-pujian pun, a simple ’thank you’ pun tak diterima, golongan ini mudah bertukar menjadi sebaliknya dan surat berhenti kerja akan menyusul ke meja. Pada hari cuti, bos yang kerjanya senyum, attend meeting sahaja dan gaji berbelas ribu boleh duduk lepak kat rumah tengok AC Di Sini, manakala golongan ini berkorban hari cuti bersama keluarga, bersusah payah keluar pagi, menahan sebak melihat tangisan 3 anak di pintu yang sepatutnya pergi Sunway Lagoon hari tu, memerah otak dan keringat menyiapkan kerja di ofis. Yang dapat pujian dan tepukan di belakang, adalah si Bos yang present tak sampai 30 minit tu.

Jalan Penyelesaian:
Try put yourself into his/her shoe. Jadilah seorang manusia.

3. Masalah dengan bos

Menjadi lumrah dunia bahawa golongan bos ini akan dibenci. Mereka tidak tahu, macam mana kuatnya kita gelakkan lawak bodoh dia, atau betapa lebarnya kita senyum bila dia lalu depan kita, tapi di belakangnya, segala kutukan, complaint, cacian serta jampi serapah kita hadiahkan pada dia (pahala pun tak pasal-pasal dia dapat). Pekerja tidak suka disuruh mengikut peraturan, tidak suka ditegur, tidak suka menerima arahan dan tidak suka membuat kerja yang tidak disukai. Apabila sudah banyak sangat yang tidak suka, pekerja akan memberontak, bos yang tak bernasib baik akan merasai penumbuk di muka dan secara tak langsung akan berhenti kerja.

Jalan penyelesaian:
Jangan jadi bos. Kalau sudah terpaksa, fahamilah pekerja-pekerja anda. Belajar skills of communication. Bak kata pepatah, ’kerana mulut, badan binasa’. Undang-undang tetap undang-undang dan memang menjadi tanggungjawab anda sebagai seorang Bos untuk menegur pekerja anda.

4. Suami/Isteri mendapat kerja jauh dari tempat kerja sekarang

Ini adalah sebab yang hanya timbul pada pekerja yang sudah berumah tangga. Kebanyakkan terjadi apabila si suami kerja di Kelantan, si isteri pula mengajar di sekolah nun jauh di Sabah-contohnya lah. Lebih kerap terjadi kepada pasangan yang baru berkahwin seperti saya (hehehe).

Jalan Penyelesaian:
Tiada jalan penyelesaian dan masalah ini adalah masalah peribadi. Hanya boleh ditangani oleh pekerja tersebut. Pihak Bos dan HR tidak usahlah sibuk nak counter offer sebab mereka ni dah puas buat family meeting, meeting antara mereka, meeting dengan kawan-kawan etc. Tetapi untuk menjadi seorang Bos/HR yang bagus, ‘counter-counter ayam’ lah supaya pekerja rasa dihargai.

Jepun mempunyai sistem gaji yang sungguh hebat. Contohnya di Suzuki, Japan (hasil bualan kosong dengan advisor Jepun yang dulu bekerja di sana) setiap tahun, kenaikan gaji pekerja di syarikat adalah tinggi dan jumlah Bonus ditetapkan di dalam kontrak. Tetapi jikalau pekerja itu ingin menukar kerja ke syarikat yang lain, gaji beliau akan bermula kembali dari bawah. Tidak kiralah.. kalau gaji sekarang dah RM20,000 sebulan, pergi ke syarikat B, gaji akan start dari basic say RM2,000.00.
Ini menguntungkan pihak management di mana mereka dapat mengekalkan golongan
’mahir dan expert’ di dalam syarikat mereka.

Di Malaysia pula, pekerja digalakkan untuk bekerja di banyak syarikat. Setiap lompatan syarikat, sekurang-kurangnya gaji akan naik 20 peratus. Kebaikkannya lagi, ini menggalakkan pekerja-pekerja di Malaysia multi-skilled serta berpengalaman yang luas mengenai dunia pekerjaan. Terima kasih diucapkan kepada pihak-pihak syarikat yang dengan baik hatinya menyediakan peluang-peluang ’pembelajaran’ seperti ini.

So? Apa tunggu lagi??

Monday, 10 March 2008

The People has Spoken

You see!! You see!!! What did I tell you? What did I tell you?

Before I start rambling, let me remind you that this is not a political blog, I don’t breath and eat politics, besides comic strips, I do enjoy reading the first few pages of the newspaper and so happen we just had our 12th Election Day and political issues is the “in” topic now. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Let’s recap on what I predicted on the 12th General Election.

“My prediction - BN will win but we'll see more oppositions in the parliament. Pas will still rule Kelantan, 60% BN and 40% BA in Terengganu, stronger oppositions in Kedah, loose some in Johor and Pahang and a stronger PKR party.”

  1. BN will win but we'll see more oppositions in the parliament

BN only managed to secure 140 parliamentary seats compared to their record breaking of 198 in 2004. BN masih menang, tapi kehilangan 4 STATES! Perak, Penang, KEDAH and SELANGOR!!

  1. Pas will still rule Kelantan

PAS won a bigger majority compared in 2004. All the hoohas of “cukuplah 18 tahun PAS” is a complete waste of time, money and energy.

  1. 60% BN and 40% BA in Terengganu

Surprisingly BN won a landslide victory in Terengganu where they secured 7 out of the 8 parliamentary seats. Many blamed Tok Mun’s 685 votes for the loss of Mat Sabu. Kesian Tok Mun..

  1. stronger oppositions in Kedah

Stronger than ever! KEDAH is now under PAS!!! We are going HUDUD!!Nak yeay ka?nak risau ?

  1. loose some in Johor and Pahang

BN is still the ruling party of these states but the decline number of votes sends warning signal. If they don’t buck up, they’ll be the next victim in the next election.

  1. a stronger PKR party

The great Selangor fell into PKR’s hands. Nuff said!!

So surprised that biggies like Samy Vellu, Kayveas, Shahizat, and Koh Tsu Koon lost in this election. Even more surprised that BN lost the states!! The whole Koridor Utara (except Perlis) collapsed to the oppositions!!

KENAPA BARISAN NASIONAL KALAH? (Yela they won an easy majority..tapi still kalah jugaklah tu..) daripada seorang Rakyat yang kurang ambik tahu pasal politik Negara.

  1. KJ – the stronger and louder he barks, the stronger the rakyat will hate..uhm no.. dislike him. The rakyat don’t like the idea of Family please put an end to it. Plus Malaysian likes the story of “naik dari bawah”..not bas ekespress to the top.
  2. Berjilid-jilid corruption and scandals fairytales reached the Rakyat.
  3. (tiba-tiba) Rakyat complained yang wakil rakyat humble please.
  4. Tak boleh pakai dah “Work for me Work with me” tu” Bekerja dengan Rakyat, Keuntungan Bersama.

First time mengundi haritu memang best! Sampai demam-demam ni excited punya pasal!!






Kena biasakan diri ni...hehe

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Is it just me?

Is it just me?
I find the Barisan Nasional ads on TV, newspapers, radio even in the Internet went too far and a little annoying.

Is it just me?
The scope of conversation nowadays - the Prime Minister, his son in law, Petrol, corruptions etc.

Is it just me?
I think majority of the messages sent to the PM thru Warkah untuk PM are mostly kutukan dan cacian.

Is it just me?
I have this ill feeling that there will be some chaos during and after the election day.

Is it just me?
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad is the best PM!

Sunday, 2 March 2008

My Prediction

Malaysia Election 2008

This year i will practice my rights as a Malaysian! My 'cross' shall determine the next government of Malaysia!haha! I'm taking Friday off, go back to KL by train (no more bus trip for me!!!!enough is enough!) and vote on Saturday - 8 March 2008 at Hillcrest school.

My prediction - BN will win but we'll see more oppositions in the parliament. Pas will still rule Kelantan, 60% BN and 40% BA in Terengganu, stronger oppositions in Kedah, loose some in Johor and Pahang and a stronger PKR party.

So who shall i vote?

American Idol

I like only the audition part. It is so funny, in the same time amazed to see how confident people are! I wonder where is William Hung now?

My prediction - David Archuleta. That is considering if majority of the American voters are girls. But Ramiele Malubay is also an interesting one. She might attract the boys and the girls. Plus from 'image' point of view, their feature stands out from the typical American line ups.

The Next President of USA
Who shall be the next President of USA? This time around is very interesting! Both candidates will book their name in the history. It is either the first African American or the first Lady President.
Kishore Mahbubani wrote in Newsweek (jan14 issue) , " The U.S. Presidential Election may be the most undemocratic in the world. Only some 126 million Americans vote, yet the result is felt by 6.6 billion people". I am so agree with that. This is a sad truth about America and the rest of the world. Why do people look up to American so much? They started the War. They kill innocent lives and get away with it in the name of 'peace'. Why do everything must be in US currency? Why are they saying that they are the peace keeper between Palestine and Israel where else it is so clear that they are one sided-fully supporting the Israeli?
The new president should do something with their international policies. Solve your domestic problems first!

My prediction- Though i don't follow the election much, i handpicked Mr. Barrack Obama. Why? He looks more pleasant than Hillary Clinton. Thats all.

What is your prediction?