Thursday, 30 July 2009

Senang hati ku Susah

Abang Yin dan Akak Yang..

1. Aku senang hati sebab 2 kerja surfacing aku dah siap dan tengah tunggu untuk siap prototype.

Tapi aku susah hati pula sekarang bila aku malas nak buat kerja-kerja lain yang aku consider tidak mencabar seperti documentation.

2. Aku senang hati sebab tak sabar nak tunggu ketibaan hari esok di mana aku dan si jantung hati (s) akan berangkat ke pulau untuk honeymooning.

Tapi aku susah hati pula bila tekenangkan thesis aku yang tak siap-siap lagi.

3. Aku senang hati sebab minggu depannya aku akan ke KL bersama si jantung hati untuk menghadiri kenduri..serta atas desakan keluarga yang telah lama tidak kami jumpa.

Tapi aku susah hati pula sebab aku bakal letih berlari ke sini sana atas kerana jangkamasa lawatan kami ke KL yang sungguh singkat.

4. Aku senang hati sebab aku mampu tidur berhawa dingin dan mandi air panas keesokkan paginya.

Tapi aku susah hati pula bila terkenangkan jumlah bil elektrik yang bakal diterima di akhir bulan. Termasuklah bil-bil lain yang sewaktu dengannya.

5. Aku senang hati apabila mendapat tahu sebuah syarikat gergasi mungkin memerlukan tenaga pekerja yang mempunyai kemahiran yang aku miliki.

Tapi aku susah hati apabila..hmm..aku tak pasti kalau aku patut bersusah hati atau tidak..

aH! Akhirnya..masa untuk pulang!

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

If I’m the Minister of Transport

If I’m the Minister of Transport,

1. I will ban trucks and lorries from using the road on weekdays between 6:30 am – 9:00 am and 4:30pm – 7:00 pm. These heavy duties are such a pain especially when they crawl and filling every inch of the road, while everyone else is running to the time slot machine. Plan your trip Truckies!!

2. Heavy fine for double parking! Can’t you see that our roads are small? and your precious vehicle is blocking the road? What’s wrong with parking a little bit further from the restaurant? RM300!!! Take that!

3. I will set some official ruling for Malaysian drivers. Some of it are like,
The “Take Turns” concept, the 101 “hand gestures” communication and the “After you..” concept. Fail to obey these rules, RM300 out from your pocket!

4. I will give a tall order to PLUS Sdn Bhd to immediately upgrade their R&Rs along the South side (KL-JB). The R&Rs are dull and boring, the toilets are dirty..a disgrace to the country! Buck up boys!!

5. I will lower down the cost of public transport, cheap bus tickets, LRTs and taxi rides so people can turn to the services instead of driving their Hummer alone to office everyday. When the demand is there, I will add in more of them, so the services will be more accessible to the people. Of course we will help the transportation companies by injecting few billions. Kita kaya kan?…hehe

6. Bus and taxi drivers will suffer under my reign. There will be lots of spot checks, driving tests and license renewal every 6 months, proper uniforms, PR and safety trainings: they will be the most professional and safe driver in the world. In return, they will be handsomely paid.

7. I will kick the developer inside out if they propose to me a single lane road project! Minimum, one side, 3 lanes! So, to and fro, 6 lanes! If highway? Autobahn style! Bye-bye setinggans!! The Housing Ministry will provide you a house - 45 floors flats-no lift.

8. More high speed train. North to South, every 20 minutes! Vast developments in the rural area will soon follow. Tourism, housing estates, universities, business centres, you name it!

9. Georgetown will be the first Car-Free Zone city in Malaysia. The roads of Georgetown will be on cobbled stones, trishaws and bicycles will be the main means of transport, heavy and bulk items will be delivered via PUDS (Penang Underground Delivering System). This is to promote healthy living and eliminate road congestions. Why Georgetown? That place has no further room for road widening project. Kata, pulau...

10. Motorcycle lanes for every road in Malaysia. Those caught riding on the other lanes will be heavily fined, bonus, 3 months license suspension. Racing? If you’re caught racing on the streets, authorities will have the pleasure of ramming you down-guilt-free. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

*Update - 290709 - morning

11. The hands of vehicle users will be chopped off ala Hudud if fail to use the turn indicator light (signal). Beli kereta pandai, bawa kereta bodoh…

How about you? Future Minister...

A glimpse of the future..comel kan vehicle tu?

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Yasmin Ahmad - Al-Fatihah

A very sad day for Malaysia's advertising scene.



KUALA LUMPUR: Renowned film and advertising director Yasmin Ahmad died here at about 11.25pm on Saturday night.

Her death was confirmed by Media Prime Group Chief Operations Officer Datuk Seri Ahmad Farid Ridzuan, who was at the Damansara Specialists Hospital, when contacted by Bernama.

Yasmin, 51, collapsed while presenting a working paper at Sri Pentas, the headquarters of the private television station TV3 on Thursday and was rushed to the Damansara Specialists Hospital.

She was reported to have suffered a stroke and brain haemorrhage.

Yasmin left a legacy of her works in the film and advertisement arenas, thriving on the themes of love, family ties and comedy against the backdrop of multiracial Malaysia.

Born in Bukit Treh, Muar, Johor on July 1 1958, Yasmin, who graduated in psychology from Newcastle University, United Kingdom, had won local and international creativity awards.

Married to Abdullah Tan Yew Leong, she began her career as a copywriter with Ogilvy & Mather before joining Leo Burnnett as joint creative director in 1993 and rose to become its creative executive director until her death.

Her creativity could be seen in many Petronas' commercials and evoked emotion of the viewers especially during the Aidilfitri celebration which would certainly be missed by viewers this year.

In the filming industry, Yasmin, however, drew much controversy in view of her openness and boldness in analysing social issues.

She was at the mercy of critics since her first movie, "Rabun" was screened in 2003 followed by "Sepet" (2004), "Gubra" (2006), "Mukhsin" (2006), "Muallaf" (2008) and Talentime (2009).

Despite the drawbacks, she also earned rave reviews for "Sepet" which was accorded the Best Film Award and the Best Original Screenplay Award at the Malaysian Film Festival 2005.

"Sepet" also bagged several international awards, namely the Asian Film Award at the Tokyo International Film Festival 2005, the Grand Prix Award at the Creteil International Women's Film Festival in the same year.

"Gubra" won the Best Screenplay award at the Malaysian Film Festival 2006.

"Muhsin" won the Generation kplus - Best Feature Film and the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk Grand Prix award at the Berlin International Film Festival.

"Mukhsin" also won the Best Asean Film at the Cinemanila International Film Festival 2007.

"Muallaf" won the Asian Film Award - Special Mention at the Tokyo International Film Festival 2008.

While leaving indelible mark at home, Yasmin's movies gained international recognition as they were shown in Berlin, San Francisco, Singapore and at the Cannes Film Festival.

Yasmin, you'll definitely be missed..

(i hope i got it all right..simply browsed Yasmin Ahmad in Youtube..)

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

The White Album

Kerana tension tak dapat cycling naik Gunung Jerai petang tadi,
aku pun grab camera..

Terima Kasih dinding yang putih..

Ibu Segala Maksiat

Aku ada seorang sahabat.

Dia baik orangnya.
Tapi baru-baru ni aku baru dapat tahu.
Sahabat aku ni dah tersimpang “sedikit”.
Apa yang dia buat?

Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda,

" Arak adalah ibu segala maksiat dan ianya adalah maksiat paling mengaibkan." (Kitab Sunan Ibnu Majah jilid 3, kitab memabukkan, Bab 30, Hadis no. 3371)

Aku tak kisah. Gua open-minded.
Sahabat aku ni pun dah besar panjang.
Aku percaya dia tahu nak bezakan
Yang baik dan buruk.

Tapilah kan,
Nak cakap aku tak kisah pun salah jugaklah.
Kalau tidak, buat apa aku susah-susah nak karang “entry” ni?
Tak sampai hati pula aku nak menutup sebelah mata.
Maknanya hati aku ni adalah kisah tu sedikit.

Macam nilah.
Aku bukan nak tunjuk baik, nak tunjuk hebat, pandai atau apa-apa je yang tengah bermain dalam otak kamu semua.
Aku hanya nak mengingatkan.
Selepas Ibubapa, tiada siapa lagi yang akan menegur kesilapan kita.
Melainkan member-member sendiri.

Di akhir zaman ni, kawan-kawan lagi mengenali kita daripada Ibubapa sendiri.
Sahabat yang baik, adalah sahabat yang menegur kesilapan kita.
Kalau aku buat salah, tolonglah tegur sebab aku tahu aku ni senang buta dan terpesong.
Kalau kawan aku buat salah, aku pun akan cuba tegur.
Setakat mana yang aku mampu.

Konsep ni senang je.Untuk memudahkan,
Sebelum kita nak buat sesuatu, cuba ambil masa sedikit masa untuk membuat analisis, dan menjawab persoalan tersebut:

1. Kalau Ibubapa kita tahu, diaorang marah tak?
2. Kalau anak kita esok buat jugak, kita marah tak?
3. Dalam agama pulak, agak-agaknya lah kan, kalau kita buat tu, Tuhan marah tak?

Aku nak meningatkan diri aku jugaklah kan,
Segala rezeki, bisnes, kesenangan, akal dan kreativiti,
Semuanya datang dari Allah yang Maha Besar.
Bila-bila masa je Dia boleh bagi dan bila-bika masa je dia boleh tarik balik semua tu dari kita.

Satu hari, tiba-tiba je aku datang jumpa kau,
Tanpa memberi salam, aku belasah kau sampai terbaring dalam longkang,
aku pijak-pijak kepala kau sambil meludah kahak hijau sampai penuh telinga
Tengah aku membelasah kau tu, aku teringat kereta aku rosak, kena tinggal di bengkel.
Dengan penuh muka mengharap,
Aku minta jasa baik kau hantar aku ke Puduraya

Macam mana kau rasa?
“Kau dah belasah aku cukup-cukup, lepas tu nak minta tolong aku pulak..”

Samalah!..kau dah buat Dia marah, segala tegahan Nya kau main langgar je, tapi bila susah, kau nak mengharap Dia tolong kau balik. Kau tak tahu malu ke?

Kesilapan yang dah lepas tu, lepaslah. Orang nak cakap apa, biarkan.
Jangan takut untuk membuat perubahan kearah kebaikkan.

Semoga Tuhan sentiasa tunjukkan kepada kita yang betul itu betul, dan yang salah itu salah.

Ya adik-adik,
Sekian sahaja kata-kata nasihat dari Abang Sharel. InsyaAllah , semoga kita berjumpa lagi di masa hadapan, di waktu dan ruangan yang sama.

Wabillahi taufik walhidayah wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

(Goreng Sitar Arab – fade out at 00:02:10)

Monday, 20 July 2009


I'm not a sports fan,
I don't follow the football scene,
and I don't give a damn which millionaires are in town to kick balls.

But I do give a damn
when the people worship the other team more
than their own national team.

When can this stop?

When can we ever be proud of wearing a “made in Gombak” shoes?

Better be NOW..or Never.

Support Malaysian products!

Especially MODENAS bikes.
(So I can get bonus..hehehe)

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Friday, 17 July 2009

Sharel at 27

1. 2nd year married to his Jiwa dan Raga

2. Soon to be father in October..InsyaAllah..

3. 4th year as motorcycle designer. ALIAS as his full-time arms and legs.

4. Cycling - New found passion to resolve old mission. 77kg is still a long way to go! Damn!

5. Money is everything. With new responsibilities coming in October, his ears and eyes are now pro-active in looking for opportunities that would generate his household income.

6. Now he is serious about his part-time job, Creative services. He has done few corporate graphics, few wedding shots, apparel designs, company profiles, short video editing, interior and house design.

7. He’s been living in his new house for 3 months now. Lately, keeping his garden green and healthy is his main concern. Yes, he’s into gardening now.

8. He is now having the “Abangadik Dilemma”. He is confused whether to call the waiter abang/kakak? Or adik…

9. He’s been keeping his hair long since last August. He’ll cut when the right “time” comes.

10. Very likely that this year, his first time ever, not celebrating Hari Raya in KL. He is very curious about what will he do on the first day of Raya. Maybe weeping over mp3 playing Cahaya Aidilfitri by Black Dog Bones.

Family and Friends,

Thank you for the wonderful colourings of my 27 year old “colouring book”. Keep it up by putting in more bright and colourful shades!

Friday, 10 July 2009

Victoria Institution World's Best School Band!

Excerpt from VI school band world's best


SEPANG: Victoria Institution's cadet corps band proved that it was the best in the world when it clinched the grand prize at the World Band Challenge 2009 in Modena, Italy. With the theme "Volcano", the band, comprising 90 members from Forms One to Lower Six, beat the defending champion from Holland on July 6 to win a trophy and an appreciation certificate. VI headmistress Azizah Othman said the victory was made sweeter by the fact that the school was celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. "The win is the biggest prize for the school. "The sweat, tears and sacrifice since January have been worth it.

"I think this will also be an impetus for all students to work hard towards victory in other competitions," she said at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport yesterday.

The band was welcomed home by some 50 VI Supporters Club members and parents.

Azizah said the band scored 1,052 points.

This gave it a narrow 13-point lead over its Dutch rival which scored 1,039 points.

"The song selection, which is from the Puteri Gunung Ledang movie and theatre performance obviously gave us an edge and additional points," she said.

"The Dutch team only managed to give a typical band performance," she added.

She also expressed her appreciation of the Education Ministry's decision to allow the team to compete overseas despite the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic.

Picture: from Berita Harian



Excerpt from Victoria Institution muncul juara pancaragam dunia

SEPANG 9 Julai - Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Victoria atau lebih dikenali sebagai Victoria Institution (VI) berjaya mengharumkan nama negara apabila menjuarai Pertandingan Pancaragam Dunia di Modena, Itali pada 5 Julai lalu.

Sekolah itu berjaya mengalahkan lima pasukan pancaragam lain yang membabitkan tiga pasukan dari negara tuan rumah dan masing-masing satu dari Ukraine dan Belanda.

Pada pertandingan itu, VI menampilkan lagu-lagu daripada teater muzikal Puteri Gunung Ledang (PGL) yang digubah bersesuaian dengan rentak pancaragam berkawad.

Pengetua VI, Azizah Othman berkata sekolah itu mengumpul 1,052 mata untuk mengalahkan juara bertahan dari Belanda yang memperolehi 1,039 mata.

"Kejayaan ini membolehkan pancaragam VI membawa pulang trofi kemenangan serta sijil," katanya kepada pemberita selepas tiba di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur di sini hari ini.

Katanya, ia adalah hasil usaha bersungguh-sungguh tanpa mengenal penat dan letih guru, ibu bapa serta pelajar yang terbabit sejak awal tahun ini.

''Ia satu kejayaan bersama kerana tanpanya saya yakin VI tidak mampu menjuarai pertandingan pancaragam yang dianggap antara paling berprestij di dunia masa kini.

''Semua pihak memahami walaupun ada pelajar yang terlibat itu akan menghadapi peperiksaan utama pada hujung tahun ini," katanya.

Pada pertandingan itu, VI diwakili 93 pelajar yang diiringi lima guru pengiring, termasuk Azizah.

Pancaragam VI pernah mewakili negara ke kejohanan tersebut pada 2003, 2005 dan 2006.


Glory glory Victoria!!

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Uhm's 4D images revealed!!

Dear Uhm,

Last week, Mom were very excited after she found out that Amanjaya Specialist Centre(ASC) has finally installed a 4D scanning machine. I was more excited when she told me that there will be no charge for it since they're still at testing stage. So just now, on the 8th of July 2009 (2 years ago today, Mom and I were on the pelamin..tersenyuuuum je..) we went to check out Dr.Tan's new toy. And that toy showed us this:

Your sifat pemalu just like the father..hehe

Your side profile..Mom said that you got my noes and ears..The round chin is definitely hers..

Whatever it is, no matter you got who’s what, we were glad to find out that you’re healthy, we saw your heart beats, we saw your perfect little fingers..Alhamdulillah so far you’re ok! So that’s you Uhm, 28 Weeks 3 days..

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

July Love..

July is my month of "Luuuuurve..." . Not to say that I’m stingy or what, but in July, I'll be extra generous in spreading the ""Luuuuurve..." eh! but only to my "loved" ones lah..

1. Wife is getting a whole bunch of it on the 7th for our 2nd Wedding Anniversary..that’s today y’all!!

2. Apak and Pak Mertua will get some on the 9th for their Birthday (Yeah! Same date!) Oh and my cousin, John also..same date..

3. Lissa will get some also for her birthday on the 17th. Eh? 17th? Jeng!jeng! jeng!..

4. On the 30th, Izza and I will go Honeymooning! This will be our so-called last honeymoon together..Tak jauh..but still overseas..Jerjak Island..heheh..semoga tak menghampakan.. This one..Hmmmm..the biggie!

5. And of course Uhm will also get tons of it as well..He is now 7 months..hey! Uhm is 7 month old in the 7th month! 7777 ooh I luuuuurve sevens..

Today I’m giving out the first “July Love”..

Yang, you know I don’t read and write I’ve turned to the net world to get some help (kejujuran itu penting dalam relationship)..dan akhirnya, ku jumpa jua..
(tolong baca dengan penuh syahdu sekali-my mission ialah nak buat you nangis baca ni)

There's so many things i like about you, I..
I just don't know where to begin,

I like the way you, look at me with those beautiful eyes,
I like the way you, act all surprised,
I like the way you, sing along,
I like the way you, always get it wrong,
I like the way you, clap your hands,
I like the way you, love to dance,
I like the way you, put your hands up in the air,
I like the way you, shake your hair,
I like the way you, like to touch,
I like the way you, stare so much,
but most of all....

most of all....

I like the way you move.....

(I like the way you move - Bodyrockers)

Hahahahaha..can’t wait to take you out dinner tonight yang!! Bak kata Kak Kylie Minogue, "..Celebrate good times, come on!!..."

We are 2!!!- 7th July 2009