Excerpt from VI school band world's best 2009/07/10
SEPANG: Victoria Institution's cadet corps band proved that it was the best in the world when it clinched the grand prize at the World Band Challenge 2009 in Modena, Italy. With the theme "Volcano", the band, comprising 90 members from Forms One to Lower Six, beat the defending champion from Holland on July 6 to win a trophy and an appreciation certificate. VI headmistress Azizah Othman said the victory was made sweeter by the fact that the school was celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. "The win is the biggest prize for the school. "The sweat, tears and sacrifice since January have been worth it. "I think this will also be an impetus for all students to work hard towards victory in other competitions," she said at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport yesterday.
The band was welcomed home by some 50 VI Supporters Club members and parents.
Azizah said the band scored 1,052 points.
This gave it a narrow 13-point lead over its Dutch rival which scored 1,039 points.
"The song selection, which is from the Puteri Gunung Ledang movie and theatre performance obviously gave us an edge and additional points," she said.
"The Dutch team only managed to give a typical band performance," she added.
She also expressed her appreciation of the Education Ministry's decision to allow the team to compete overseas despite the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic.

Picture: from Berita Harian
Excerpt from Victoria Institution muncul juara pancaragam dunia
SEPANG 9 Julai - Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Victoria atau lebih dikenali sebagai Victoria Institution (VI) berjaya mengharumkan nama negara apabila menjuarai Pertandingan Pancaragam Dunia di Modena, Itali pada 5 Julai lalu.
Sekolah itu berjaya mengalahkan lima pasukan pancaragam lain yang membabitkan tiga pasukan dari negara tuan rumah dan masing-masing satu dari Ukraine dan Belanda.
Pada pertandingan itu, VI menampilkan lagu-lagu daripada teater muzikal Puteri Gunung Ledang (PGL) yang digubah bersesuaian dengan rentak pancaragam berkawad.
Pengetua VI, Azizah Othman berkata sekolah itu mengumpul 1,052 mata untuk mengalahkan juara bertahan dari Belanda yang memperolehi 1,039 mata.
"Kejayaan ini membolehkan pancaragam VI membawa pulang trofi kemenangan serta sijil," katanya kepada pemberita selepas tiba di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur di sini hari ini.
Katanya, ia adalah hasil usaha bersungguh-sungguh tanpa mengenal penat dan letih guru, ibu bapa serta pelajar yang terbabit sejak awal tahun ini.
''Ia satu kejayaan bersama kerana tanpanya saya yakin VI tidak mampu menjuarai pertandingan pancaragam yang dianggap antara paling berprestij di dunia masa kini.
''Semua pihak memahami walaupun ada pelajar yang terlibat itu akan menghadapi peperiksaan utama pada hujung tahun ini," katanya.
Pada pertandingan itu, VI diwakili 93 pelajar yang diiringi lima guru pengiring, termasuk Azizah.
Pancaragam VI pernah mewakili negara ke kejohanan tersebut pada 2003, 2005 dan 2006.
Glory glory Victoria!!