Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Ramadhan 2008

Khutbah Jumaat minggu lepas adalah khutbah paling menarik pernah saya dengar. Khatib tu menyampaikan khutbah stail ceramah. Dengan slang utagha dia, teguran pedas yang tepat sampai membuat ahli jemaah tergelak la..haaa serious kami tergelak kecil dengar khutbah tu. Ini adalah konsep khutbah yang aku tertanya-tanya dulu. “Kenapa diaorang tak buat khutbah macam bagi ceramah?”Kalau khutbah ni macam buat presentation, baca bulat-bulat dari nota .intonasi pun boring je..tu yang kerap tertidur..kalau stail ceramah, walaupun nampak macam tak formal, tapi mesej sampai, dan pendengar ingat. Itu yang kita mau!

Anyway tajuk khutbah tu adalah Persediaan Sebelum bulan Ramadhan (tengok! Dah nak masuk hari Rabu aku boleh ingat lagi tajuk khutbah dia!) Di antara point-point ustaz tu yang aku ingat:

1. Bila nak masuk bulan Ramadhan, kenapa orang kita asyik sibuk fikir pasal nak buat bisnes. Nak berniaga di pasar la, buat kuih la etc. Terlampau taksub sehingga terlupa yang bulan Ramadhan tu adalah bulan yang mulia dan penuh dengan ganjaran-ganjaran yang Allah akan kurniakan dalam bulan tu. Orang pergi terawih, dia sibuk duduk kat rumah jahit baju la, buat kuih la..kenapa tak ambil kesempatan berkat bulan Ramadhan untuk menambah nilai bank akhirat kita?

2. Bila Ramadhan tiba, orang kita menjalani ibadat puasa tradisi, bukan ibadat agama. Penat je berpuasa pagi petang, berlapar tak makan, solat fardhu dok tinggal. Isyak tak sembahyang, tapi sunat Terawih tak pernah tinggal (Tambahan dari Ustaz Sharel, terawih awal Ramadhan je penuh..lepas tu lenggang)

3. Di bulan Ramadhan, anak-anak boleh pulak di didik berpuasa suku hari , setengah hari..tapi sembahyang solat 5 waktu tak pernah pulak di didik yang semacam tu? Kanak-kanak kalau dah umur 7 tahun tapi malas nak sembahyang, hadiahkan je rotan bagi rajin.

Lebih kurang macam tulah.

Got this from Email.. Ramadhan Hand Book.Very informative.. siapa-siapa yang lupa niat puasa ke, solat terawih ke, ni ada guide dia. Sila download di sini. Free of Charge. PDF file.


So guys, bulan Puasa dah dekat. Marilah sma-sama kita MENCUBA mengambil kesempatan terhadap bulan yang mulia ini untuk beribadat. Jaga MULUT, MATA, TELINGA dan paling penting sekali HATI tu.

Kepada kawan-kawan yang first time berpuasa dengan bini/laki/pak mak mentua/anak, hayati dan belajarlah daripada saat-saat indah “first timer” anda.

Kesian orang Gurun. Tahun ni nampak gayanya macam banyak berpuasa dan berbuka sorang-sorang. :(

Monday, 25 August 2008

Abang Rahman, thank you.

Actually, I have received this attachment long time ago but a friend forwarded it again last week. Again, it brought the office down to tears. It just makes me wonder, Is Abang Rahman plain stupid? (even Mr. “stupid is as stupid does” know how to get around in that area) or both of them are very very very naïve..

Sunday, 24 August 2008

Corn Pops!

You Don't Mess with the Zohan

Saw that yesterday. Typical Adam Sandler. Pure entertainment. Stupid jokes, disturbed by the heavy sexual humour..surprisingly it's a U rated. The ultra sensitives they might be disturbed by the movie but to me the message is clear-everyone wants the war to end. Cheers to the writers for trying hard to be "neutral". Movie wise, Adam, I still prefer 50 first Dates and the Longest Yard.
Rating: ***

Macam best:

Tropic Thunder
Eagle Eye
Quantum of Solace

Saturday, 23 August 2008

Eight Days a week

Cameron Highlands

When was your last trip to Cameron's? Before last week, I think mine was about 15 years ago. People say the highest highland resort in Semenanjung has lost his “coolness” because of the rapid tree chopping and unlike its two brothers, Fraser's and Genting, Cameron is not as “happening” unless he/she is a sucker for tea leaves, exotic flowers and of course the strawberries. That has kept me avoiding the “the highway of vomit” for nearly 15 years. But last week, a friend from the company had his kenduri kahwin at his hometown in Tapah and the 7 of us took that opportunity to rent an apartment and wallop the strawberries inside out! To cut long story short, we had a great time in Cameron's. We spent the night at Parklands Apartment in Berinchang, ideal for big family trips, 3 rooms with each has attached bathroom, one big hall with a dining table that fits 8, spacious kitchen area..highly recommended. Haa..Believe me, Cameron Highland is cold! Maybe because of the raining season, but it was surely cold that night. I think it went down to 20-18. Izza and I had lots of strawberries especially the chocolate dipped. OOOh it was gorgeous! We went pasar hopping, from cactus to fruits and many more. If you're thinking of going, a safer and easier route up is by following Simpang Pulai instead of Tapah. And during school holidays, please use an automatic transmission car. The crawls on the steep hills doesn't do justice to the manuals.

Datuk Lee Chong Wei

Personally I don't see Lee Chong Wei's Datukship is any relevant at all. ok..he managed to grab a medal from the Olympics..so? Did he get a gold? no. Only a silver. That is second place only. How was his performance during the final? 39 minutes, straight set , 21-12 and 21-8! Woo talk about ”fighting spirit”. Just for that, he came back to Malaysia as a hero, RM300,000 in the bank (sweets and angpows from sponsors and others not included), a handsome amount of pension, and the title of Datuk as the crème de la crème. If I am Nicol Ann David, I will be so pissed, migrate to other country, get married and mother 4 child, grow old and get fat. Why? Please compare Nicol's and Chong Wei's performance side by side. Nicol had to go through WISPA World's Tour Tournament and she holds 28 titles since 2000 and have to maintain her current World no. 1 ranking since 2006 in order to get her Datukship last July. Since only 2003, Chong wei only won 5 in Super Series, 9 BWF tour and a Silver in 2008 Olympics and currently working hard to maintain his World Ranking no. 2. Is that fair?

Permatang Pauh

So much that I hate the Parti Keadilan Rakyat and especially it's penasihat, my prediction is Anwar Ibrahim will win the election in Permatang Pauh this 26th. The win will be tailored to a small margin so that it shows that the people still favours the government. If the BN win the election, all hell will break loose! There will be some stupid Malaysians who will hang our Jalur Gemilang upside down on the 51st Merdeka Day, riots and more of the so called street protests. Pity the abang-abang police for they have to work over-time. To the ruling party, please please please and please hear our cry for a peace and serenity Malaysia. Step down now!

LEOs in the family

There is another LEO in the family!! Maya Sharezal was born on the auspicious date of 20082008! Another baby in the family!! And of course the second Leo was born 2 days after but 26 years back, my wife, Izza. Going to Penang shortly to spoil the birthday girl! Oh to Abang and Lissa, congrats on your newborn!! Can't wait to snap Leilani's little sister next week!

(pictures for this entry will be added after i got back from Penang )

Friday, 15 August 2008

Apa nak jadi?

Bila kita cakap "jangan", dia buat. Bila disuruh buat, dia enggan.

Malaysiana Porno

Hahaa..This is funny. Beyonce and Mariah Carey tak boleh pakai sexy-sexy bila nak perform in Malaysia, the Pussycat dolls pulak kena warning suruh respect the dress code, jangan sexy-sexy..tapi kita? boleh pulak ada gameshow yang bayar RM500 untuk menonjolkan bra size peserta-peserta wanita mereka. oh bukan! that 500 kena divide to 3..so Rm167 untuk parade "asset" mereka selama 30 minit. Kecoh betul member kat office pasal show ni..nasib aku yang yang "malang" pulak, asyik dapat tengok yang lelaki je..nasiblah haritu member perihatin, sms aku bila ada contestant perempuan..berlarilah ke depan tv! hehe Yah..Astro's Bolos. Thanks Astro for giving us such "entertainment".Teruskan!!

Mainlah dengan api

I'm so disgusted with our political scenario nowadays. Kau nak corrupt ke, curi duit rakyat ke, rasuah ke, buat janji kosong ke or terlibat dalam sexual scandal ke aku tak kisah but why must you touch issue-issue yang berbaur RASICTS? Bodohla! Tak belajar dari sejarah ke? Remember May 13th? Berapa ribu orang mati dengan sia-sia? Demi kepentingan politik diri, kau sengaja menghancurkan keamanan yang kita kecapi selama ni..kau memang bengap! Kau dulu tak belajar lagu "tiga Sekawan" ke? Teruskan..main lah dengan isu ni lagi..kita semua tahu consequences dia..


Tuhan telah menjadikan kita berpasangan. Lelaki dan Perempuan. Jantan dan Betina ..tumbuhan pun ada jantan dan betina. Even bolt and nut pun ada male and female..So? Nak pertikai apa lagi? Perasan tak ramai sungguh golongan "gay" di sekeliling kita? Aku kat KL last week sampai Selasa, from sunway pyramid to the curve ada je mereka ni merata-rata. Kumpulan lelaki yang sedaya upaya nak jadi cantik dan ayu, lelaki macho yang tertarik dengan lelaki macho, gadis yang berusaha mengecilkan buah dada untuk kelihatan sasa dan tegap serta gadis yang cun, sayangnya bernafsu terhadap gadis-gadis sahaja. Kenapa ini berlaku? Secara sejarahnya, golongan gay ini memang dah lama wujud..sejak zaman nabi Luth lagi..tapi apa jadi dengan Kaum Nabi Luth?haa teruskanlah dengan "Gay Pride" kau tu...

Semua gambar ambil dari net.

Friday, 8 August 2008

Where were you on 08.08.08?

In the future, someone may ask my whereabouts on this auspicious date. So here goes.

Date: 8th of August 2008 – 6 Syaaban 1429
Day: Friday

Time: 0650
Location: Home, Gurun, Kedah

Air tengah sejuk. Ambil air sembahyang tadi pun dah menggigil. Woke up to Ray Romano and next the Simpsons. Ayam tengah berkokok hebat kat belakang rumah. Ok that was Scrubs opening theme. My cue to brave the icy waters!

Time: 1023 hours
Location: R&D Building

Got out from the house at 7:35 tapi jam kereta dah pukul 8. Biasalah, cepatkan 15 minit. Weather was fine, traffic pun best because schools and government cuti on Friday. Slot in at 7:43 am. Macam biasa, after morning exercise, meeting. Sambung Alias training. Oh yah, I’m very fortunate to have Mr. Ghadaffi (Ghad) to train me Alias. Alias is a 3D modeling /surfacing software; widely used by automotive designers all around the world I’m very fortunate because Ghad is one of the best and experienced Alias user in Malaysia, he has worked with Nissan in Japan, GM in Germany and many more. The new Nissan GT-R supercar is one of his work. Not many Malaysian s can achieve that. So back to my Alias training, pening nak buat surfacing ni…
And tadi morning break, makan Nasi (yes nasi!), sayur-sayuran and telur goreng- RM 1.90..and kopi Radix.. 2nd time minum..

Time: 1636 hrs
Location: R&D

Hari ni kusyuk membuat kerja..susah gile nak join radius kan surface..then nak joint plak jadi bucu-bucu..surfacing pulak nak kena cun! Gile susah..respect gila kat digital modelers yang telah menghasilkan “highlights” dan surface yang cun di kereta dan motorcycle..Sekarang baru tau the hardships of getting to that kind of result.
A very stereotype Friday activities. Break at 1, drove to Perwaja for lunch, huha huha..to masjid for the Friday prayers, few times “mengangguk setuju” dengan imam while khutbah. Very political punya khutbah..and last week’s was even worst..this is all because of Permatang Pauh’s election. I don’t agree with using the Friday khutbah to spread political agendas. Banyak lagi issue-issue lain yang boleh di sentuh selain daripada tu..gejala social, murtad, menipu, merompak, banyak lagi issue-issue lain.
Today’s “Exit time” is 5:30 pm. It will be a rush back home, kemas-kemas, pack baju, and off to Sungai Petani. Planning to get a haircut, dinner and then to the bus station. I’m taking the 11:30 pm Mara Liner to KL! Haha.

Time: 8:08 PM
Location: Home, Gurun

I'm going to Sungai Petani shortly..ticket checked! baju, checked! work stuff, checked!..oh i'm gonna miss the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympics in China..

Sunday, 3 August 2008

How to Detect Lies?

Have you watched the movie The Negotiator? The scene where Danny interrogate Neibaum..When Danny detected that Neibaum was lying..the eye movement..

Check this out.. excerpted from http://www.wikihow.com/Detect-Lies

How to Detect Lies

This is a featured article. Click here for more information.
Watching facial expressions in order to determine whether a person is lying might just save you from being a victim of fraud, or it could help you figure out when somebody's being genuine. Jury analysts do this when assisting in jury selection. The police do this during an interrogation. You have to learn the little facial and body expressions that can help you distinguish a lie from the truth.


  1. Observe how the person smiles.

    • Forced Smile
      Forced Smile
      Forced smiles are easy to spot since they only involve the muscles around the mouth. The person will appear as being overly relaxed and not really happy. Look at the mouth and see if the teeth are showing. A real smile will reveal a bit of teeth but a forced smile may or may not.
    • True Smile
      True Smile
      In a real smile, more facial muscles besides the mouth are involved. A dead giveaway is tightening around the eyes, which sometimes causes crows' feet. While it is not difficult, very few people are conscious enough of this fact to fake a smile and still control their eyes in this manner.
  2. Look out for the other body parts. Watch their hands, arms and legs, which tend to be limited, stiff, and self-directed when the person is lying. The hands may touch or scratch their face, nose or behind an ear, but are not likely to touch their chest or heart with an open hand.
  3. Look out for microexpressions. Microexpressions are facial expressions that flash on a person's face for a fraction of a second and reveal the person's true emotion underneath their facade one. Some people may be naturally sensitive to them, but almost anybody can easily train to be able to detect microexpressions. Typically, in a person who is lying, their microexpression will exhibit the emotion of distress, characterized by the eyebrows being draw upwards towards the middle of the forehead (sometimes causing short lines to appear across the forehead skin).
  4. Check for sweating. People tend to sweat more when they lie. (However, some people may sweat a lot more during nervousness/shyness.)
  5. Mind exaggerated details. See if they are telling you too much, like "My mom is living in France, isn't it nice there? Don't you like the Eiffel tower? It's so clean there." Too many details may tip you off to their desperation to get you to believe them.
  6. Observe eye contact
    Observe eye contact
    Notice the person's eye movements. Contrary to popular belief, a liar does not always avoid eye contact. Humans naturally break eye contact and look upwards when remembering something. Liars may deliberately make eye contact to seem more sincere. Liars also tend to blink more often. A typical right-handed person tends to look towards their left (your right) when remembering something that actually happened (remembered images, sounds and internal dialogue) and towards their right or downwards (constructed images, sounds and kinesthetic sensations) when they're making something up.
  7. Be sensitive to the person's emotional expression.
    • Like timing and duration, which tends to be off when someone is lying. Emotions can be delayed, remain longer than usual, then stop suddenly. Likewise, they might not match appropriately with verbal statements. And, as with smiling, facial expressions of a poor liar will be limited to the mouth area.
    • Pay close attention to the person's reaction to your questions. A liar will often feel uncomfortable and turn their head or body away, or even subconsciously put an object between the two of you. Also, while an innocent person would go on the offensive, a guilty person will often go immediately on the defensive.
  8. Listen for a subtle delay in responses to questions. An honest answer comes quickly from memory. Lies require a quick mental review of what they have told others to avoid inconsistency and to make up new details as needed.
  9. Be conscious of their usage of words. Verbal expression can give many clues as to whether a person is lying, such as:

    • Using/repeating your own exact words when answering a question
    • NOT using contractions
    • Avoiding direct statements or answers
    • Speaking excessively in an effort to convince
    • Speaking in a monotonous tone
    • Leaving out pronouns (he, she, it, etc.)
    • Speaking in muddled sentences
    • Equivocation or "Non-Answers". For example: Q:"Are these your drugs?" A:"I don't even smoke." Q:"Did you kill that man?" A:"I don't even own a gun." In essence, these subjects ARE answering TRUTHFULLY, however, the answers they are providing do not address the actual questions in any way.
    • Using humor and sarcasm to avoid the subject
  10. Allow silence to enter the conversation. Observe how uncomfortable and restless the person becomes when there is a pause.
  11. Change the subject quickly. While an innocent person would be confused by the sudden shift in the conversation and may try to return to the previous subject, a liar will be relieved and welcome the change. You may see the person become more relaxed and less defensive.
  12. Watch his or her throat. A person may constantly be either trying to lubricate their throat when he/she lies OR swallowing to avoid the tension built up.A person`s voice can also be a good lie detecter.Does your pal suddenly start talking faster or ultraslow? Does her/his tone go up and down,or is she or he clearing her throat a lot? Either your bud is coming down with a bad sore throat or she/he is lying.
  13. The eyes tell all.It is usually hard for liars to look you in the eye while saying something they know is not true.Are your friend`s eyes focused on you or are they looking at the floor? Fibbers also blink a lot (subconsciously hiding their eyes ) or their gaze may dart around the room.

more on that at http://www.wikihow.com/Detect-Lies

Now try your 'lying detection" skills by watching this video:

Drop in your findings at the comments box..

have fun!

Masihkah kau ingat?

1. Masihkah kau ingat?

Kalau kata jumpa pukul 5 dekat Kotaraya, pukul 5 tepat lah ada kat tangga main entrance tu. That time, at least kena keluar tunggu bas at 3pm, 3:30 – 4 pm baru bus mai,. stop Lebuh Ampang..jalan to Kota Raya...Time management

Bila kata jumpa pukul 5, pukul 5 baru keluar dari rumah. Sms “ondaway!”

2. Masihkah kau ingat?

Our main means of transport were Bus Mini, Bus Len Seng dan Sri Jaya..Kalau dari Seri Gombak tu, 14, 41 boleh pergi sampai Lot 10.. Len Seng no. 196 ka 169 boleh pi sampai Lebuh Ampang.. We were so “bus wise”..Nak pi jamming kat SS2 PJ, from hostel jalan ke Bangkok Bank, naik Intrakota to PJ..dengan gitar di belakang dan band members dengar Walkman cassette recorder..

Aiyooo jam teruk laah,..parking mahal laa..mana nak parking ni? Bus? Pabenda RapidKL tu?

3. Masihkah kau ingat?

Dulu jenuh beli battery AA untuk walkman..cool skit beli rechargable battery..long lasting katanya. Kalau ada CD walkman tu dah kira besaq rahmatla tu..jalan-jalan boleh hidung tinggi..battery makan kuat pulak..Kalau kata jamming, pakai recordable-walkman. Ada jack untuk microphone kecik..jamming punya jamming, tak sedar cassette side A dah habis la.. battery habis la..

Cassette? Apaa tu? MP3 lah bro!!!MP3 player pulak besaq semut ja..kalau sorok kat belakang telinga pun orang tak sedaq..gegendang je bergegaq..tak pun Bluetooth je earphone to handphone walkman tu..Jamming? Unlimited bro..1GB punya mp3 player boleh record hang jamming sampai muntah hijau.

4. Masihkah kau ingat?

Kita kaya dengan Uniphone Card yang pelbagai warna dan grafik..30 ringgit la, 50 ringgit la..buat penuh wallet macam credit card. Takpun phone card kecik from Telekom..apa ntah nama dia tu. Takde card, pi kedai tukar syiling..beratur di pondok telephone untuk menelefon rumah orang. Haaa masa tu macam2 lah skill curi line yang dipelajari..tekan butang tu dan ni lah..dengar tone 2 kali la..macam jadi je..time emergency, phone booth plak rosak..boring je

Hi..Wat pe 2? ”..sms sent!..(message received tone!) Where r u? I dah tggu lm ni?”..sms sent!.. (message received tone!)..ondaway!..sms sent!..


(message received tone!)..“ 1 missed call”..- “ Hello Bro! Hang miskol aku tadi ka?...

5. Masihkah kau ingat?

JejakaSempoi82 : /join #kampung

JejakaSempoi82 : a/s/l plz
LynCutez: 15/f/KL
LynCutez: u?
JejakaSempoi82 : 15/m/KL
JejakaSempoi82 : @~ @~

“JejakaSempoi82 has been kicked out from #kampung by M@cHObOy”

M@cHObOy: Eat that!
LynCutez: hi M@cHObOy!
LynCutez: a/s/l plz

Uhm.. not sure how they chat nowadays..pretty much the same i guess..but no more MiRC kot..messenggers lah kan..with webcam, phone conversation-skype and such..oh and Forums..semua berlagak pandai...penuh dengan informasi..cis..

6. Masih kah kau ingat?

Sewa tape kat kedai video cina kedai-kedai bawah tu. Belek katalog photosatat yang hampir lunyai, “ Aunty! Never Ending Story ada?..”.. “ itu apa nombor?”..”uhm...A369..”..”sikijap haa....ada” Beli tape kat Petaling Street. Member plak bawak tape haru biru ke school..jenuh sorok masa ada spot check! Cover video tape pulak jadi pencil box..Then the VCD era...kalau tengok vcd kat rumah..siapa paling dekat dengan player, kena tukar side B ...so baringla jauh-jauh

Actually after Video tape is Laser Disc. Compressed to VCD, DVD and latest Blue Ray DVD.
Somewhere in the middle of that, AVI and MPEG rules. Then came DIVX and MP4. Takpayah sewa dah. Bluetooth je 3GP tu...heheh

7. Masih kah kau ingat?

Siapa computer dia ram 128MB tu kira dia “ king” la! Harddisk 8GB boleh isi anak2 anjing 2 colony..Price for 128MB sd ram was RM260 at Imbi Plaza. Few years before that was the Floppy era. Nak install game ada 18 floppy disk.. “ Please insert floopy disk B”..and so on..
My primary school era pulak main video game monitor hitam hijau-macam the Matrix tu..Frogger, Wheels of Fortune, Hangman etc. Diskette 3.5” besaq gila punya..

Harddisk 1000GB..pun tak cukup nak simpan MP3. Ram 4GB. 1GB DDR RM70 pun boleh dapat. Graphic card sampai 2, LCD monitor sampai 4, USB flash disk pun dah sampai 8GB..tu cucuk USB je dah boleh isi 2 colony anak2 anjing..

8. Masih kah kau ingat?

Main teng teng kat belakang sekolah? Musim konda kondi, gasing, batang ice cream, guli, senapang ceri, kad yang koyak2 jadi kecik lepas tu main tepuk2 tu, layang-layang ultraman tersangkut kat cable elektrik, tengok dan join budak pompuan main “zero point” , batu seremban dan galah panjang..kutip 5 biji tutup botol kat kedai india..baju melayu putih penuh dengan chop bola tennis wilson..then came the MicroGenius era. Sadly i don’t have one, but always melepak rumah my fortunate friends yang berjaya memujuk bapak dia beli tu..Cartridge 799 in 1..2000 in 1..oh during that time also ada Game and Watch..Donkey Kong, then came TETRIS. Kat bus stop, shopping complex time Raya, semua orang main Tetris. 7 in 1 , 50 in 1, 9000 in 1 la..

PSP? Oooh..gorgeous!! Nintendo 64? Ooooh! Playstation 3? OOOOooh gorgeous! Gimme gimme..gimme..padang? whats that?

9. Masih kah kau ingat?

Nasi Lemak ada sambal, kacang and ikan bilis goreng, timun and telur potong setengah – 50 sen
Roti Canai – 50 sen
Teh-0 panas – 50 sen
Tiket bus mini – 50 sen
RM 50 boleh tahan sebulan

Nasi Lemak (besar cawan kecik) ada sambal, timun – RM1.20
Roti Canai – 80 sen
Teh-0 panas – RM1
Tiket bus – no idea
RM 50 boleh tahan 3 jam

10. Masih kah kau ingat?
Life was so simple back then. Morning to school, petang mengaji,main kat padang, dinner, tidur.Every day ada pocket money..

Bills bills bills,credit cards, house loans, car loans, politics, office politics, house maintenance, car maintenanace, groceries, petrol, weight issues, insurance, bla bla bla bla