Wednesday, 29 February 2012

29th February 2012

I’m now busy with managing own company, sharing it with Izza (part-time-she’s still with UitM-secure sikit sorang kerja gomen). Alhamdulillah, so far everything has been good and smooth, kalau takde masalah, I shall hit my first mil by end of March. Fingers crossed! Still tak boleh decide to let go the Odyssey and grab the X6, or maintain it and get the Insight. Murah sikit..petrol sikit, road tax pun ada discount! Nantilah. We’ll be going to Penang this weekend. Hopefully this time Mr. Chiew jumpa apa yang kita nak. Simple je..4 rooms (at least!) with a view. Kalau dapat dekat Bt. Feringgi pun ok jugak. Oh our visas sudah clear! Hopefully the boys can stand the long flight. Jangan jadi macam Umayr hari tu sudah. Menangis non-stop! Ok, I’ll end my bull-crap fantasies with “Happy Leap day”, semoga panjang umur kita jumpa lagi leap days.

P/S: crap! I'm so gonna be late for work! Thanks to the office's new internet policy..stupid..

Monday, 20 February 2012

Quantaray Tech-10 24mm f/2.8 AF

Ciwi with the new lens..

Getting there...getting there..

Korean Invasion

Sesungguhnya aku menyampah dengan budaya K-POP yang sedang menular di kalangan remaja di Malaysia. Fesyen baju kotak-kotak, skinny jeans dan fluorescent coloured hi-cut shoes adalah sungguh menjengkelkan. Masih tidak faham bagaimana mereka boleh menggilai boy band yang dianggotai 80 orang yang berwajah sama, cuma beza warna dan style rambut serta susuk tubuh gemuk dan kurus. Cukuplah Korea menawan dunia dengan taekwando, LED TV, telefon, kereta, alatan mengurus badan, kartun-kartun comel di Disney Channel dan drama-drama sedih yang dilakonkan oleh hero-hero yang tidak handsome.

Screw all the Korean nonsense now!!! But leave out Girls Generation..uhm Wonder

p/s: what happened to Jrock?Jpop? Jdrama?? Dah lama tak tengok my doppelganger (Takuya Kimura)in action..

Friday, 17 February 2012

My One Year Old Anas!

Alhamdulillah. Another Project 365 has completed (Umayr's). This would not be IT without the hands of Allah, thank You so much!, the 2nd photographer, Izza aka 'the Mom', who has contributed numbers of beautiful snaps of Anas when he was not with me, Anas's best bud, Umayr-he must have gave our model a word or two-maybe tips on poses and stuff, and lastly the model himself, Anas. Well..although at times he was such a diva, but i enjoyed every second of the sessions and it was such a pleasure shooting him.

Anas, on your first birthday:
1. Gigi 4 batang (2 atas, 2 bawah)-kuat mengigit mommy
2. Rambut ikal dan nipis
3. Refuse to bertateh - rejected the walker
4. Sungguh laju merangkak
5. Menjerit, ketap-ketap gigi
6. Setiap hari menangis
7. Everyone loves you birthday boy..

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Anas 1st birthday party

Dear anas,

On 11th february (5 days early), we did a small do at no.40 to celebrate your 1st birthday. There were balloons, sweets (lots of them!), toys, chocolates, cakes, cup cakes..and  Alhamdulillah ramai yang datang!

Yang tak best, its just frustrating that i was sick the whole day, i tried to stay on and join the fun but the headache is unbearable. Parties & headaches  doesn't jive at-all!

We will have another one, on your real birthdate. I guarantee 'happening' but in a small scale. Oh remember i've promised to take you guys to Carnivale after i've submitted my thesis?! InsyaAllah next saturday we'll go!

Friday, 10 February 2012

9 February 2012

Semalam aku ambil half day

Nak submit thesis – 7 copies.

Aku tau bos ‘kureng’ gemar tapi nak buat macam mana? Buat bodoh je la

Bergegas lah aku pukul 12, Kulim – Penang Bridge – USM

Dengan perut kelaparannya, aku tunggu sampai pukul 2

Supervisor sampai pukul 2:30. Bagi green light untuk proceed.

Senyum ke telinga bai! (telinga aku dah lah besar!)

Langkah kegembiraan aku ke Dean’s office. – Pukul 3

Approved by Dean! Aku dah tak boleh duduk dah! Semua orang yang aku bertentang mata, aku hadiahkan senyuman

Last hurdle- submit to IPS

“dah pi scan dah?”

Scan apa ke jadah pulak ni?
Starting February 2012 semua thesis kena pi screen dulu untuk mengelakkan daripada plagiarism.

7 copy thesis yang kendong tadi mula terasa berat. Berlarilah aku ke atas untuk scan!

File aku corrupted pulak.

Berlari pulak ke student’s lounge. Semua computer rosak. Minta tolong student amoi dengan laptop. Still file corrupted. Berlari balik atas. Mujur ‘Mama’ tu baik orangnya. “takpa! Malam ni jugak saya email!!”

Settle satu.

Kendong lagi 7 batu bata tu turun untuk submit.

“dah bayar yuran submission thesis?”

“saya terbayar duit semester ni” Macam mana?
Kendong pulak aku 7 buah kayu balak tu naik ke bendahari.

Settle satu lagi.

“ isi borang penyerahan ni, cari saksi yang bukan staff IPS”

Vendor pulak call. Office pulak call pasal isu JPJ.
Jumpa vendor dekat USM. Bincang pasal design . Tak pasal-pasal dia jadi saksi untuk penyerahan thesis aku.

Settle satu lagi bahana.

Kendong balik 7 condominium tu ke IPS

Jam dah 4:20

“format ni tak betul encik. Abstrak kena letak belakang..kalau encik nak betulkan sekarang pun boleh tapi sekarang dah 4:30”


Agaknya dia perasan kekecewaan aku bila dia tengok muka aku dah melekat di kaunter dia- di tambah pulak dengan tangan aku yang tengah menggigil-tahan kekecewaan.

Aku pun pulang dengan penuh kesedihan dan kecewa.

Dalam perjalanan pulang ke kereta tu, aku melabuhkan punggung sexy aku ke bench. Tiba-tiba aku teringat yang aku bawak camera..

p/s: 10/2/2012 Sekejap lagi aku akan ke USM balik..

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

7 kopi

Selepas feedback lambat, ink habis.. dan habis (duit pun kering beli ink je),tiba-tiba printer rosak, pinjam printer jiran, beli lagi ink untuk printer tu.. finally thesis aku siap printing 7 copies!!! yeay!! Semasa dalam kekalutan tu, timbul jugaklah penyesalan. “ yang kau cari pasal sambung belajar ni buat apa?? Haaaaa? (style nasir bilal khan) ”..tapi menyesal tu sekejap je.

Ok bagi gua rehatkan otak yang dah bermalam-malam buat OT ni.. nanti aku sambung..

To be continued..

11 Months old Anas!!

More of him at