So many happenings last weekend:
Thursday 19 March 2009Izza was quite tired that evening, so we started our journey back to KL quite late, 10 pm. That was wife’s first trip back to KL since the two blue lines. We stopped at Gunung Semanggol R&R for an hour nap. Continued at 12, arrived KL at 3:00 am. Sorry yang..kereta Waja tu yang ajak race!
Friday 20 March 2009Bangun pagi di rumah mertua. After breakfast, ke DKSH in PJ to pick up camera wife. Wife’s wedding anniversary camera rosak haritu. After that, melawatlah ke Ikea Sale. Parking was easy because it was a working day. Pusing punya pusing, 500+ jugaklah habis. Agak segan jugak jalan-jalan haritu, dan tak sangka, ramai jugak orang yang musaffir kat ikea tu..heheh
Petang tu ke jalan Ipoh, cari toilets stuff. Sumpah mahal! But last-last beli jugak barang-barang kat sana..cis..
Setelah transform ke baju melayu lengkap, mertuaz and us went to PJ to attend cousin’s majlis tunang.
Saturday 21 March 2009Breakfast with Mom, abang and family at Bestari, Kiara. Lepas tu lepak di abang’s house sampai tengahari, bawak mak and izza jalan under the hot sun di jalan Pasar. Electronics Heaven! We bought a motion detector light half the price compared to the one selling in SP. Coolness! Belanja apak and mom to Chinese dinner at JAYA Jusco maluri..sayangnya makanan kureng..Tidur di Cheras..
Sunday 22 March 200910:00 am ke VI..Tepeng nak shoot mini movie for our reunion dinner. Memang best giler! They even invited cikgu untuk join berlakon!! Gila aku tak sangka! Pakai balik baju putih, badge and school tie, duduk dalam kelas, cikgu masuk kena bangun, “Selamaaat sejahteraaaa cikguuuuu..” meremang tengkuk..Tepeng belajar buat Movie kat Indonesia, dan few dramas dia dah keluar kat TV..respect, respect..anyway Peng..tak sabar aku nak tengok movie tu nanti..
At 12 have to chow, fetched izza, drove to No.40, picked up the Ikea Stuffs, drove to Kg. Sg Choh to deliver client’s wedding pictures. Alhamdulillah, nampaknya the client macam berpuas hati..Honestly, aku memang sangat berpuas hati dengan job kali ni..
Around 3-ish, masuk highway, first time lalu kilang PERODUA, arrived SP at 8 pm.
Before balik, sempat lagi borong lampu dan kipas plus, water heater!! Haha akhirnya ada water heater!! But akan dipasang di rumah baru. Aku tak kisah but kesian Izza nak mandi pagi-pagi..

more pictures
hereMonday 23 March 2009At 10 am, bertolak dari Sg Petani ke KL semula!!!! MODENAS GT 128 launching di Holiday Inn Glenmarie, Segala penat lelah kitaorang selama berapa tahun ni, akhirnya berjaya jugak dikeluarkan model P507 ni. And so far, compared to yang lepas-lepas, this is the best model launching pernah Modenas buat, the best marketing strategy and the best product. Styling yang mantap, reliable powerful engine, harga yang sangat-sangat murah. Nak apa lagi?? Tak boleh jual jugak tak tau lah!..That night, bawak the Kedahanz to Ikea, and to uptown DJ.
Tuesday 24 march 2009After the wonderful breakfast di Holiday Inn, we took a slow drive back to Kedah. Stopped in Taiping for the over-rated Doli Kuew Tiow goreng. Nothing to shout about, not the best, I give only a 2.5 out of 5.
Sampai rumah di pangkuan isteri tercinta at 7:15 pm.. phew..
Dengan tak cukup tidur, muka naik jerawat pulak, mata dah lebam-lebam..sungguh memenatkan..anyway our istana akan ditanam lampu-lampi di perutnya minggu ini! Nasib baik tak payah pergi Bangkok hujung minggu ni..lega aku…