Last night we had Uhm’s second photo shoot. Uhm was 11 weeks and 5 days old. Earlier, we’ve asked Uhm to practice senyum dan posing, Izza even thought Uhm to do the ‘Peace Sign’! Dan masa ‘shooting’ tu, Uhm telah menonjolkan bakatnya. Oh No! Obviously Uhm didn’t do all that stuff. At 11 weeks, dalam masa berapa minit scanning tu, Uhm telah executed few somersaults, stretching tangan dan kaki- ala-ala trapeze acts..Hmmm.. nampak gayanya, bila sudah dewasa kelak, Uhm bakal menjadi seorang ahli sarkis yang berjaya.
Hmm talk about carrier, hopefully I’ll be the type of father yang akan memberikan freedom kepada anak-anaknya untuk pilih sendiri arah tuju kerjaya mereka. Although deep down inside, I really hope that they can either be a Doctor, Lawyer or even an Architiect..kaya sikit! Why not Designer macam the dad and mom? “Uhm, dengarlah rintihan ABAH ni, walaupun bunyi profession ABAH – “ Motorcycle Designer” macam cool dan glamour, in Malaysia, “Designer” ni tidak dipandang dan tidak dibayar sehebat designer di negara omputeh tu..mungkin kalau ABAH ada Tatoo, rambut panjang pony-tailed dan 6 packs ABS (sekarang baru ada 3..sikit je lagi ni..) dan mempunyai raut wajah mat salleh, baru lah orang take notice dan bergaji tinggi..(tak relevant sungguh)..
Anyway Uhm..take your time in there. Carry on practicing and developing cool moves. Bila dah keluar nanti, I can show you some cool circus tricks from DVD for you to refine or refer, or maybe you can add some magic tricks into your CV. Tengok the 2 Davids and the guys from Mondo Magic tu..dapat travel, rumah besar, Copperfield tu kahwin dengan model lagi!
Seriously Uhm, it was such a great moment last night to see you show-off your wild gymnastic acts. Memang cool!
ekekke..lawok la.uhm dgr abah ko ckp 2
heheheh...pasni kite ajar uhm wat peace sign pastu wat lambaian manja kat abah ngan mak plak..hehehe
gmah : hehe
ayang: kita ajar dia buat hand stand sekali ye..Uhm the B-Boy!
you'll be a great dad.
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