1. I find Facebook users who tag ‘likes this’ at their OWN status/pictures/video etc – POYO.
2. I’m not against 1Malaysia, but the ‘1’ logo has been overly used, the ‘One finger’ gesture in photo shoots and all the “satu/one” promotions..ahh! I find all that POYO.
3. Girls wearing checkered shirts, skinny jeans and tudung alaYuna.Come on~..ramai sangat daaaaah….Sorry girls..POYO
4. I find guys who send pictures of them wearing Rayban, handsomely posing on their kapcai to entertainment magazine under ruangan “Jom Berkenalan” as POYO.
Makanan kegemaran: masakan Ibu/ yang halal aje.
Minuman kegemaran: Teh ‘O’ Ais Limau.
Hobi: Mendengar radio dan berkenalan dengan awak..
5. Friends whom have not been in contact for more than 10 years, out of the blue calls in asked to join his MLM business..POYO
6. I find businesses with the name starts with “De” or “D” as POYO…to the max.
7. I find installing new satellite dish, new decoder and new monthly bill just to get HD quality,POYO.
8. Nowadays I find cars that applied large front grill design ala Audi as POYO. Come on man~…ramai sangat dah tiru!.. not to forget Honda City and Accord tiru 3 and 7 series..POYO!..buck up Honda!..creative lah sikit..
9. I find people who post cute pictures of their child as POYO (ehem!)..
10. I find myself getting annoyed by all of the above, POYO..
11. and I find myself writing a blog entry at 2:41 am…POYO..
p/s: peduli apa aku...
hahaha setuju setuju setuju!
alahai comelnya Umayr tu. suci sungguh wajah dia. paling comel gambar makan rambut Izza. hehe.
marliza : makin sikit rmbt mumy umayr..heheh
hubby : tensi wat masters ka? hehe
marliza: betul betul..cuba jugak nak photoshop muka aku jadi sesuci dia..tapi tak boleh jugaklah..haha
ayang: hangit otak aku malam tadi yang..malam ni kena sambung lagi..adey..
nice pic...happy family...
nice pic...happy family...
cian ye..nnti wife tolong k..
mrs_oldtimer@eirna: tq tq!
ayang: yeay!tapi aku rasa nak tidur dululah..qada' tidur malam semalam punya..macam zombie dah ni..
hahahha..korg ni laki bini walhal dok seblah2 je ni kn hahah..
tp semua yg ditype benar2 belaka.. #9,abis aku letak gbr rizq n umayr bukan anak sendiri lame jugak ke? hahahaa. bro lu patut tambah yg amik gbr "self service" skali tau.agagga...
gmah: di kala kerja, kami terpisaaah..hehe
sebab ada gambar Umayr, tak lame..hehe
wow! gambar "self service"??? "self service" yang macam mana ni?? heheh bawak mai aku check dulu...
hahahahaha..aku suke entry ko kali ni..takde butang 'like' ke mick? hehehe
hahah kalau ada, aku dah "like" dulu dah!!..hehe
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