Thursday, 31 January 2008

i saw the light..

I would like to share this with you. It did open my heart and I hope yours will too. I’ve been fasting every Monday and Thursday since the first day of Muharram. Initially the reasons were to cut down cigarettes, to hack down my unwanted fats and sort-of CTRL+ALT+DEL my body system. Then I thought, hey it’s a holy month, plus InsyaAllah I might get some perk from it, so now, on those days, I’ll wake up for bersahur and breakfast after Maghrib.

Last Monday, unlike any other days, I woke up late and missed bersahur. Luckily I berniat before went to sleep. I was so late that I need only 10 minutes of shower and 10 minutes to drive to the office before Pak Guard closes the gate and jot down names of the late comers (macam sekolah kan?). While showering, there was a battle in my head-to solat Subuh (qada’) first? or just “Speedy Gonzalez” to the office. Alhamdulillah, I did Subuh first.

That whole day I tell you, I felt like my rezeki fell from the sky and hit right at me! Everything was so smooth sailing!

  1. Firstly, that day I went out from the house with an empty wallet. While anxiously waiting to cross the main road, out of the blue my neighbour stopped his motorcycle and paid me RM 5 he owed me sometime ago! Alhamdulillah.
  2. Miraculously despite the long wait to cross the main road, stopped by the neighbour and the whole delay thing from the house, I managed to be in the office on time! Alhamdulillah!
  3. I was quite groggy that morning because of the running and stuff, plus the night before I didn’t have a solid dinner. It was like Lars Ulrich playing double pedals in my stomach. But after 10 am, I was back on my feet! Fresh and energetic! Able to maintain that condition until evening! Alhamdulillah.
  4. Planned to stop by at the ATM machine and buy some groceries so that I can cook my berbuka meal but on my way out from the office, there were some leftover lauk from an earlier meeting, and my friend told me to take it home. Alhamdulillah, another rezeki! I didn’t have to waste my time to the ATM, shopping and most importantly I didn’t have to cook. Lagi best, the food was enough to feed me for two days! So I got home early, fully rested. While waiting for Maghrib, caught a sitcom on tv and had enough time for my microwave to “ting!”.

Well you can call it a coincidence, but whatever it is, I felt so blessed that day and I think the decision of solat Subuh somehow/maybe have to do with it..Wallahualam..

Baiklah anak-anak, apa yang telah dipelajari oleh Sharel melalui pengalaman beliau tersebut?

  1. Jangan tinggal sembahyang.
  2. Always put Allah ahead of everything.
  3. Everything happens for a reason and at Allah’s will. So play it cool and beristighfar.
  4. Ttraining myself now to recite Bismillahirrahmanirrahim before doing any activities for example pakai baju, going out, goreng pisang etc. I know there is a doa for each and everything, but for starters, I guess this is a simpler and the easiest way to remember Allah at all times.
  5. And I’m trying hard to solat on time. Tak baik melengah-lengahkan sembahyang..

I’m feeling so good about myself right now! Not that I hadn’t, but just better!

Ya Allah ya Tuhanku, kuatkanlah iman hamba mu ini supaya dapat ku kerjakan tanggungjawabku terhadap mu dan ampunilah dosa-dosa ku, dosa keluarga ku serta dosa seluruh umat Islam. Sesungguhnya kaulah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Mengasihani.


Al Fatihah buat Allahyarham Dato' Ishak Baharom (bekas mufti Selangor) dan Allahyarham Rosli Khamis (lyricist and composer) semoga mereka di tempatkan di kalangan mereka yang beriman. Amiiiin.

Monday, 28 January 2008

PTPTN sucks

Pertama kali aku mendengar nama mu, adalah semasa daku baru sahaja mendaftarkan diri di menara gading. Rakan-rakan yang baru ku kenal, sibuk ke hulur-ke hilir mendapatkan borang itu dan ini, naik turun ke pejabat HEA dan HEP sehinggalah sanggup menaiki bas dan teksi ke Damansara untuk menyelesaikan apa yang mereka panggil PTPTN. Tidak mahu ketinggalan, aku pun turut sama walaupun kurang memahami apa yang penting sangat PTPTN ini. Dengan tahap pemikiran seperti remaja berusia 15 tahun, penuh kesenian aku turunkan tandatangan pada setiap ruang yang di pinta tanpa membaca dan membuat kaji selidik surat perjanjian tersebut. Masih lagi kurang faham arti sebenarnya PTPTN, ku tunggu beberapa bulan untuk melihat hasilnya.

"Weih ni dah masuk bulan berapa dah ni !!! apa cerita PTPTN??" Pelbagai rungutan yang ku dengar dan aku pun turut merungut sama supaya dapat menambah lagi topik-topik perbualan ku. Kolej Jati sudah kecoh! Kolej Seroja pun dengarnya dah sampai bakar-bakar tilam! Kolej Perindu pula melancarkan mogok tak nak main sepak takraw. Segala teropong di kolej tu pun telah di hantar pulang ke kampung, tanda protes. Pihak HEP di hujani dengan soalan-soalan yang datang dari semuah arah! Dengan profesionalnya, mereka menangkis dan smash soalan-soalan tersebut ke pihak PTPTN pula. Sibuk telefonis PTPTN menjawab persoalan siswa siswi ini sehingga mengigau di tengah malam buta menjawab telefon. "Bila PTPTN nak masuk??"

Indahnya suasana di pagi hari. Burung - burung menanyi riang. Sambil menghembus rokok Marlboro Lights rakan sebilik yang sedang tidur, sayup-sayup kedengaran gelak tawa manja siswi-siswi turun daripada bas universiti di seksyen 2. Berpegangan tangan melintas jalan, sambil mengendeng handbag Guess menuju ke warong makan depan kedai Maria untuk bersarapan. "Dum dish dum dish" bunyi polyphonic hand phone baru rakan ku. "uhm..Helloo?..haa Yang! er dah siap dah ni! ha..tunggu sat lagi abang datang..." "Pssst! psssst!" semerbak bilik aku berbau Tommy Hilfiger. Seperti David Blaine, rakan ku telah berubah seperti seorang peragawan walaupun tidak mandi. "Weih aku chow dulu..aku balik lambat kot..pi KL sat..dia nak shopping pulaak..kunci tinggal tempat biasa ye.."hilang dah kelibat model berbaju Calvin Klien berjeans Wrangler tu. "Pret!Pret!Preeeeet!" kedengaran pulak bunyi motor baru dia. Hebat...sungguh hebat! Secara tiba-tiba, semua orang tahu di mana ATM machine Perwira Affin Bank. Yang naik bas, pakai motor. Yang bergayut di pondok telefon, bergayut di power plug dalam bilik. Yang nasi daging merah sup kosong Student Corner, jadi Big Mac meal with Chocolate Sundae dan tapau McFlurry-member pesan. Ya..itulah tanda-tanda PTPTN dah "masuk".

3 tahun berlalu.
"Weih jom pi wisma Semantan!" Takkan aku dapat banyak ni je!!! mana boleeeeh!!!"merungut lagi.

5 tahun kemudian, di tempat kerja.
"Bro, lu dapat surat dari PTPTN tak? Aku dah dapat surat warning dah ni! aisey..gaji ciput macam ni, sampai ke tua baru settle!!

"kalau lah aku tak ambik PTPTN dulu..."


Al- Fatihah

1921 - 2008

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Sunday Funday

How do you spend your weekend? My idea of 'weekend-ing' is lepak at home, watch dvd, internet and plan where to go and what to buy (only the end tak keluar pun). If i want to go out, say to the shopping complex, i must have a very good reason to go. The ever popular 5W questions will be the judgment-Why do i have to go out? What to do/to buy/to see? Where is this place? How far? Worth going? When should i go? I will not question Who la..but a stronger reason to go out if Izza is here. But today, no matter what, i have to go out! Although now it is 11 am already, and i should have gone out at 9 (as planned yesterday) tiba-tiba stucked nak menaip blog pulak..(biasalah tu), no matter what! "mmmussst...ggoo OUT and fffaaccee the wwoorld!!!"

What are the reasons for me to leave my fort today?

1. Buy train tickets to KL (after last week's bad experience with bus way!) for the CNY holidays

2. Post office to courier bendera for my batch's trip to mount Kinabalu

3. Puas dah korek glaciers dalam freezer dan scrap cat di dinding untuk buat santapan tengahari dan malam. Stock makanan dah habis, kena pi Tesco.

4. Early this morning, Lee baru dapat anak perempuan, Qistina Batrisyia. Congrats to Lee and family.. and nak pi melawat depa.

5. Nak cari Adobe Illustrator CS2 or CS3. My Illustrator 10 is quite old la..must upgrade

6. Kalau pi operation Desert Storm, my car senang-senang je camouflage. Must wash car! (malas nak basuh sendiri..weekend maa..)

7. Mengidam fast food. KFC and McDonald's ad telah berjaya menikam nafsu ku. Terbayang-bayang ayam yang berasap-asap (walaupun pakai special effect-tapi tetap nampak mengiurkan..) dan this year tak try lagi Prosperity Burger. Talking about Prosperity burger, do you remember last time before that ada Samurai Burger? ooooh why McD tak buat lagi Samurai Burger tu!!!? (sambil mengesat air liur yang meleleh keluar)

Okla i've wasted so much time already..and i should go now..Lecehnya nak kena tukar to blogspot. Geramnya tak tau customize this page.. kat sekolah dulu tak belajar html..nantilah.. tak lepas lagi pakai dreamweaver..

Tuesday, 22 January 2008