Saturday, 12 May 2012

Viva Voce

This new interface confused me..

Anyway, yesterday was my viva voce,  nailed it!! hahah

Lepas ni kena buat minor corrections, submit to supervisor, kalau ok, submit hard copies . Tak payah buat presentation/ defend research dah!

Targeting July, so i can convo in September! Kalau jadi, (insyaAllah..amiiiiiin banyak-banyak!) tercapailah salah satu target hidup, iaitu getting my masters by 30. Yeay!

p/s: "Sambung belajar" memang simple bunyinya.. but sambung belajar sambil bekerja with anak-anak yang tengah active ni...adoi~

p/s2: first time sewa bilik hotel..guest house, tapi tak merasa katil@tidur di bilik tu..


izza syahida said...

yeay!!! congrats hubby!!! proud of u!

p/s: donno whether i cud do it.. *keje sambil belajar + with the boys!*

p/s2: mebe we cud amik the room for your convo :)

Unknown said...

Thank you! Yakin Boleh!