Monday, 17 October 2011

Anas is 8!

Anas, anas..

Anas's motor skills development seems to be more advanced. He sits straight with ease, mengesot and merangkak (including numbers of bed falls) and just few days ago dia berdiri on his own!

Menangis all the time (especially in the presence of the mom), he's into my organ's pedal and drums the keyboard and when he sees something he likes, ooh..he'll twist, bend..he'll do everything to get a hold of it!

Love you Anas bam bam.. salah satu nikmat dunia adalah memeluk Anas sekuat-kuatnya!..


izza syahida said...

gambar Day 220 sungguh classic! hahaha! garangnye Anas!!!

Unknown said...

si garang bam bam..

amadzlan said...

LOL. love pic day 220 too. pandai posing la anas ni!

Unknown said...

dia pose ala popeye without the pipe..heh