Monday 3 October 2011

1968 - Malay Guinness ad

Hahaha talk about jahiliah those days! Received this from Mud via email this morning.

Original message:
How it was in 1968 , Guinness ad in Malay, with Malay actors

Someone found this in the library at OhioUniversity. It is in a program booklet of KGMMB’s (Kesatuan Guru-Guru Melayu Malaysia Barat) AGM 1968, and this advertisement appeared on p.2, side by side with the message from the then Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein. How different it was in those days.

Thanks Belle.. found this, 1970 Guinness Stout tv ad from youtube. Although the ad is in Bahasa and penyanyi dia eerily sengau, i find it interesting that they portray a group of indian-looking models drinking stout in a restaurant after work. ia sungguh jujur. It's like educating those yang lepak kedai samsu in the, nowadays tak banyak iklan showing normal-looking indians. refreshing..

oh and the "baik untuk anda" catch phrase..still ringing..damn

Guinness Stout, baik untuk anda, baik untuk anda

Selepas bekerja kuat seharian, tibalah masanya untuk minum Guinness Stout
Untuk mengembalikan tenaga yang hilang
Untuk menikmati kepadatan rasa dari Guinness Stout

Repeat *


Anonymous said...

cool eyh hahhah

amadzlan said...

tgk tv ad dia kat you tube. lagu catchy gila, "baik untuk anda, baik untuk anda!" hahaha

Unknown said...

haha! nanti aku lembab pulaaaaak..