Umayr ['Oo-ma-yir] Sharel [Shaa-ril]
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According to books and internet, Umayr means "Maju", here - "old Arabic name" and according to the Umairs here, it means rich/wealth & generous, junior to hazrat Umar-pure gold or silver-honey bees nest - a flower ..
Our prince, Umayr Sharel was born on Thursday, September 17, 2009/27 Ramadhan 1430 1154 hrs. Another '17' in the family! Yang best, Umayr and my birthday is on the 17th, the first night, Izza was warded in room 22 - 22 is her birthday!
Umayr was 3.1kg in weight, 50 cm in length and his head circumference, 32 cm. Alhamdulillah he was born normal and healthy, the docs and nurses advised us to look out for signs of jaundice-nearly 70-80% babies akan kena - normally occurs 2-3 days after birth..
Hmmm..i'm in the midst of adjusting myself to fatherhood. It-is-haaaaaard..!everything is so new to us especially during the handling, feeding, mandi...yesterday it took us 15 minutes just to change his cloths! Since yesterday, besides my 2 hours sleep, i've been running around the house, masak air, towel, minum susu, buang angin, buat susu (belum dapat breast feed lagi..don't worry yang..relax.. InsyaAllah it will come..), penaaaaaaat! Feeding time every 3 hours. Basuh lampin, sterilize bottle (luckily MIL beli sterilizer) ..missing my PSP, my guitar and my computer alot! Takde masa lasung nak curi-curi layan benda-benda lagha ni..
Masa buat kerja-kerja tu tension la..tapi bila membotol Umayr, dukung Umayr...Subhanallah..this is the best "toy" ever!!! Just look at him...isn't he just adorable? *melting..
my nephew is so cute...!!!! cant wait 2 c u umayr. ade bakat cm nk hensem nih hehe. panggil ape korg ni?
alhamdulillah. what a beautiful name. and your son shares his birthday with my husband :)
welcome to the club, selamat tak tidur malam jaga anak, hehehe. and Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to the three of you.
what a nice lookin chap!!! congrats mic...semoga murah rezeki ko mick! hehehe
aunty gmah-well.. dah daddy dia pun handsome..hehe panggil apa ni??tak paham..
aunty belle: aunty belle kalau tak ingat jugak birthday Umayr ni tak tau laa..hehe Selamat Hari raya to the three of you too!
uncle jay: insyaAllah..doakan selalu ye..
umayr panggil korg ape? hee~
hehehe..mumy n dady..
comelnya Umayr!!!
comelnya Umayr!!!
gmah & ayang: Daddy The Great and Mummy The Wonderful
Marliza: kan? kan?
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