Apak and mom were in Gurun over the weekend. Best ada company at home but better kalau ada wife sekali..:( . Anyway last night I was bombarded with questions and ideas about my career. I don’t blame them for being “over” concern about me. Siapa yang tak risau pasal anak sendiri? I guess they’re tired of me telling stories of my successful friends, the “doughs” they’re rolling and how they’re enjoying their huge amount of bonuses. “ Dik, you’ve been working for how many years now? Nearly 4 years already! It is time for you to move on! You’re still young and there are still high demands for skilled person like you. Once you hit 30, the doors will be closed. And you’ll be stuck for the rest of your life! You don’t have to be so loyal to the company! Look at…” and so on.. Hmmm…true true. My friends ada yang dah jump to 3 -4 companies and they are now drawing triple!.Loyalty. I remembered what my lecturer told me on my last presentation. “ Sharel, bila awak bekerja esok, awak akan jadi seorang pekerja yang bagus..” That time I don’t really quite understand it, hanya kembang di puji je. But now dah faham. I am a very loyal person dan tak kisah pun untuk berkorban for the company. But for the past few months ni agak tercabar juga. Salah satu petanda pekerja yang demoralized adalah :
1. pagi-pagi takde semangat nak pergi kerja. Malaaaaas yang amat sangat nak menjejak ke ofis.
2. sifat-sifat rebellious terhadap kerja sudah mula timbul. Emotional conflict. Semua tak betul walaupun kita tahu yang benda tu betul.
3. Pekerja yang negative. Bos announced keuntungan bulan tu 10 juta sekali pun boleh jadi isu negative.
4. Cara jalan pun dah jadi malas, baju pun dah serabai, dah tak kisah dah apa orang cakap..
5. Bila semua ni berlaku, performance pun drop. Bile KRA dapat rendah, lagi lah demoralized, lagilah performance pun hit rock bottom.
Kenapa terjadinya “demoralized”?
1. Gaji – Macam mana minat buat kerje tu pun, kalau setiap bulan asyik nak kena fikir macam mana nak survive the remaining 2 weeks with only RM100 pun susah jugak. Fikiran kusut, concentration towards work pun dah lari ke mana. Kena pulak member sepengajian dulu gaji dah 2,3 kali ganda. Envious and jealousy dah menyucuk lah pulak.
2. Not appreciated. Susah sangat ke nak cakap “Thank you”? Kena keluar duit ke bila cakap thank you? Tak kaan?
3. Ketidakadilan. Apabila kenaikkan gaji atau pangkat adalah berdasarkan kepetahan lidah berbanding hasil kerja yang cemerlang. Siapa buat bising, condemn orang, pijak kepala, jilat licin dia lah yang akan naik. Yang duduk diam, jujur, buat kerje elok2 tu yang takkan berjaya. Bak kata John Mayer, “..I just found out there's no such thing as the real world, just to lie you've got to rise above..”
Untuk berjaya patut ke aku berubah jadi orang lain? Buat bende2 yang aku benci, dan berjauhan langsung dari character asal aku? Berbaloi ke aku berlakon setiap hari?
Hari Raya 2008
"Sebagai seorang ketua rumah yang adil dan saksama..tahun ni, "abang" telah menetapkan, bahawasanya, Hari Raya 2008, akan di sambut di...(drum roll) ............rumah awak!"
Heheh it will be a new Raya experience this year because for the first time (ever!) i'll be celebrating Raya with another family..my in laws.. yeah Izza's turn this year.tapi tak rasa sangat kot because both of our houses are only a broomstick apart..hehe..but still! another "first"..and also another "first", raya tahun ni ada theme. Before this nak beli baju melayu pun susah..but this year ada theme!haaaa! Hmmmm..ikut je
Ampun maaf jikalau ada yang tersinggung perasaan dengan saya, sesungguhnya saya cuma makhluk Allah yang lemah dan mudah membuat kesilapan.
Selamat Hari Raya to you and have a happy long holiday! Drive safe please.